Getting Married in Massachusetts:

Relevant Law: General Laws of Massachusetts Chapter 207

  • Sections 19-37 cover official notification of your plans to marry
  • Sections 38-44 cover the actual marriage ceremony

Getting Married at Life Church:

Ar Life Church we believe that God established marriage and that he intendeds for it to be a covenant that represents the relationship between Jesus Christ and his Church. Couples who want to be married by our pastoral staff should meet the following criteria:

Heterosexual Couples Only
Life Church does not endorse or perform same sex unions or marriages. We will only perform a marriage between one man and one woman.

One Year of Active Life Church Participation
The prospective bride and groom must have attended Life Church and participated in small group life for at least 1 year.

The prospective bride and groom must be actively avoiding sexual relations (with each other or with anyone else).

Free To Marry
The prospective bride and groom must be unmarried and any previous marriages must have been resolved biblically to the satisfaction of the pastoral staff.

Pre-marital Couseling
The prospective bride and groom must submit to pre-marital counseling approved by the pastoral staff.

The prospective bride and groom must consult with the pastoral staff about the date, time, location, and content of the wedding service.

Building Strong Marriages

At Life Church we want every marriage to be a strong one. In order to promote strong marriages we pursue the following policies:

  • We require newlyweds to take a one year break from ministry responsibilities.
  • We encourage all couples to participate in our Married Couple Fellowships.
  • We encourage all couples to read material from our Resources section below.

Married Couples Fellowship Dates:

Please check our Life Church Calendar for upcoming Married  Couples Fellowship Dates.


Here are some links to a number of resources that may be of interest to you. We maintain this list as a set of bookmarks in



Books, Video, etc.



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